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Marion County Sheriff, SC, Inmate Vulnerability Assessment Form

Document text
Inmate Vulnerability Assessment (Page 1) Results (circle one) Inmate Name: Gender: - - - Race: - - - Date of Assessment: Conducted By: DOB: - - - - - _O=-.c5:..:./..:..05 =/-=2~0=-20.:;___ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _C=.;P:_L=ยท:....:G=-O=D-=-W.:...:lc:....:N'------- - -- Shift Sergeant: --- Vulnerable to Victimization Yes Sexually Aggressive Yes No Designated Cellmate Yes Mental Health Referral Yes @ @ @ @ RISK LEVEL (circle one) SGT. SMITHEY (Low) HIGH MEDIUM SCORE 1. Experience in Institution Yes (OJ No (2J 0 Do you feel you get along with other people? Yes (OJ No (1J 0 Do you find it easy to make friends? Yes (OJ No (1J 0 Do you feel "ok" in large groups of unknown people? Yes (OJ No (1J 0 Yes (1J No (OJ 0 Often (4J 2 Yes (4J No (OJ 0 Have you ever been arrested for a sexual charge? Yes (4J No (OJ 0 Have you ever been arrested for a violent charge? Yes (4J No (OJ 4 Have you ever been arrested? 2. Social Skills 3. Perception of Risk Do you feel at risk of attack or abuse? For example - have you received threats, insults, and harassment from others? 4. History of Victimization Have you ever been attacked, bullied, or abused by your peers? Never (OJ Sometimes (2J Have you ever had a sexual experience that you did not want to have? If the inmate answers yes, does the inmate want mental health assistance with this issue? Yes No 5. Offense Type 6. Other Have you ever engaged in behavior that you would consider violent or sexually aggressive ? Yes (4J Age of Inmate 18-44 (0) Evidence of Intellectual Impairment? 45-54 (1) 55-64 (2) No (OJ 0 65+ (3) Yes (2J No (0) Total Page 1 7 Inmate Vulnerability Assessment (Page 2) 08-0~()9,;tJ.,a 7. "Lack of Fit" The following items require judgment from the screener that the inmate is unlikely to "fit in" w ithin the mainstream population (Check all that apply). Physical Appearance Small Build Looks Young Impaired Vision Pronounced Disfigurement Physical Disability Deaf Appears Frail; Weak Presentation and Behavior Inappropriate verbal behavior (giggling, odd remarks, etc.) Inappropriate physical behavior (men wearing make-up, sexual behavior, etc.) Hunched, fearful posture Obvious effeminate behavior (males) Obvious masculine behavior (females) Acts of aggression in presence of screener Speech Impediment Appears Slow Behaviors that are likely to annoy other inmates (immature, silly, etc.) Behaviors that appear related to mental illness (jittery, crying, bizarre, etc.) Features which make him/her stand out Having a lack of exposure to criminal lifestyle Being from ethnic minority not represented in general population Membership in a gang that is likely to be targeted Inmate is detained solely for Civil Immigration Purposes (no score) If any other features that raise concern exist, please note... SCORE: None to One of the above (0) I Two or Three of the above (2) I Four or more of the above (4) Page 1 Total 7 Total Score 7 RISK LEVEL BASED ON TOT AL SCORE Low (0-8) Medium (9-16) 0 High (17 and above)