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ICE Detention Standards Compliance Audit - GEO Karnes County Correctional Center, Karnes City, TX, ICE, 2009

Document text
ICE Detention Startdards . Compliance eVlew , GEO Karnes County Correctional Center April 7-9, 2009 REPORT DATE-April 14,2009 rea t i v corrections Contract Number: ODT-6-D-OOO I Order Number: HSCEOP-07-F-OI016 Executive Vice President Creative Corrections 6415 Calder, Suite B Beaumont, TX 77706 b6,b7c b6,b7c U.S. COTR ...... 'toms Enforcement Compliance Unit S@12th Street, SW . :washington. DC 295;;6· FOR OFFICIAL. ONtV(LAWENfORCEMENT SENSITIVE) ti Ve Suite B. r r e c t i.o n··8 l3eaumotlt, Texas 77706 Aplil 14, 2009 MEMORANDUM FOR: James T:Hayes,Jr. Director Office. of Detention and Rem b6,b7c FROM: Reviewer-In- b6,b7c al Operations b6,b7c ~r- 0 v GEO Kames County Correctional Center Ammal Detention Review SUBJECT: Creative Corrections conducted an Annual Detention Review of the GEO Kames County Correctional Center (KCCC), Karnes City, Texas, on Ap . As noted on the attached b6,b7c b6,b7c documents, the tea atter Experts included Secu b6,b7c b6,b7c Medical Services; , Environmen1;a1 Health and Safety; and Food Service. b6,b7c A closeout lll,eeting )Vas conducted on April 9, 2009, with Warden; b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c Assistant Field Office Director; Vice President, GEO Group Inc.; b6,b7c b6,b7c , Immigration Enforcement Agent; and Immigration , Enforcement Agent; during which all deficiencies, concems, and recommendations were discussed. b6,b7c Type of Review This review is a scheduled Detention Standard Review to determine genyral compliance with the established National Detention Standards for facilitiesliousing dytainees over 72 hours. Jhefi;lcility is notaccreditedhythe American Correctio:QalAssociation, the National C0nm1lssiop on Correctional,Health Care, or the Joint Commission on Accredita,tion of Health<i~e:~fgOOiiktions. . "",. . -;-'- "" ¥ StandatdsCompliance ,.-..-"-. .. ::,,> . ~ --,-' ... )rhefolloWi!lffi'~ta!~~tical iriform,ation outlined pfo;y:idesa direttcomparison of the April 2008 Amiual Dettm~on Review (ADR) and this ADR c()nducted for :4009. . .FOR OFFICIAL USEONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) .1/2 April .. 2008 Review 36 Compliant Deficient o Compliant Deficient 2 At-Ris,k Not Applicable o At-Risk Not Applicable April 2009 Review 36 o o 2 Reviewer-In-Ciuirge (RIC} Observations " ",,,', The GED Kames County Correctional Center is a secure, clean, 'and well-managed facility With experienced staff. Recommended Rating and Justification It is the RIC recommendation that the facility receive a rating of "Good." RIC Assu:nmce Statem.ent All findings of this review have been documented on the Detention Review Worksheet attached and are supported by the written documentation contained in the review file. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY(LAW E~fORCEMENT SEf.A§ITIVE) 2/2 Detention Facility Inspection Form Facilities Used Over 72 hours Department 01' Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement '~iln;tedMan:d~ysPer ~:J),P~~o( !:aci!!!x, ~Vi(;'t~d "_'''''''~_~~'~''''_ teE $crrh::e Procellslng.Centcl" o o 675 Y ~a;:-~"-"-~<"'~-<~~-"·'~""~_"""m"l' " ••• « ... , ....... ..•••.• '" ........................................ ~ reli.: Coijtrtl~t IletclltiolltJ'acUlty' (8) ".;",.J£!~!!!~~:rIR!*:fruneubd Service A recrnert1 ~ G. Accreditation Certificates rNational Accreditation(s] l!~urr~t Ins~ct~<,~,«_<"<m.'.".".<'mm_««.m~ .• m~~«~'« of Inspection ield Office I81 HQ tion [sJ of Faci~"\~-';:';';;;;;,r;.,~,·;;;:,::::;.;.....~·~--~~~~~·~~ _= . ". . ":. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......' ..................................... •••....... '.~M received~« _,~ ",« "" = .. J ints . s must be attached) Facility is under Court Order or Class Action Findirig 0 Class Action Order' Court Order.. FaCIIi'Ji"has Significant Litigation Pending ~~~l~~!!£!L__~_.-1,JJ::Lgifl'3!.e/~Si~~~~~"'_.m~ Check ifNone:...,_,,_~,,_..,_~_'''_,,__~_~,,_~~''''~''''__._ A.I2tU 7-9: 2009 C. Previous/Mos~L!~~!l',lL~~!!!l~~~!~,,«_.,,~,.~_.~«~,~.., Date[SI ~hasti;;'~cllilY Review ~o A.m:U 8-10~ 2~Q;;:;;.8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _! Previous Rating Su erior IZI Good 0 Acce table 0 Deficient D At-Risk . ad ity IS{Ot1:' "~-'''.~--''~''---Date Built 1995 Date Last Remodeled or Upgraded 1998 -Date New Construction 1 Bed space Added -- unty Correctional Cen,!~_ _ _ __ Address (Street and Name) , , 810 Commerce Street -"'-"«"-~-~---------1 City, State and Zip Code Karnes qt ,Texas 78118 County Karnes IC/Sup!.) N/A Future Construction Planned Yes [XJ No Date: Current Bed space Future Bed space (# New Beds only) Number: N/A Date: N/A 679 n I b6,b7c J. Total Facilit Po ulation l.;.~.~FacilitY [ntak_e;..;..fI":'o_r~p_re_v-:-io_U_s_I-:2_m_o_n_th-:-s_ _ _ _ _---j b6,b7c Field Office/ Sub-Office (List Office with oversight responsibilities) San Antonio, TX Distance from Field Office [ Total ICE Man~days for Previous 12 months ~~5 _ . 60 E ICE Information ofInspector (Last Name,-Title and Duty Station) b6,b7c Reviewer-in~Charge 1 Creative Corrections, Beaumont, Texas Name of Team Member 1 Title I Duty i:ocation-'W~~ b6,b7c SME Security 1 Creative Corrections am Member 1Title I Duty Location b6,b7c 1 SME Medical Services 1 Cre~tive ro. Team Member 1 Title / Duty Location b6,b7c 1 SME Food Services 1 Creative Corrections Name of Team M~mber I Title 1 Duty Location 1SME Safety 1 Creative corrections b6,b7c . Adult Male Adult Female ~ __ w USMS 291 . nIl' F CDFIIGSA I norma 11 f IOn 01 Contract Number Date of Contract or IGSA ICS-USM~80-98-0024 I o Mav29~2002 Basic Rates per Man-Day $45.00 Other Charges: (If None, Indicate N/A) N. Fa,nlt: Stam•• Level I b2High Other o o rt: N/A FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Fonn G~324A SIS (Rev. 7/9/07) J)eparhnelU Of Homeland ImmighHjon ftl1dCustoms Detention Facility Inspection Fonn Facilities Used Over 72 hours Sign.ificant Incident Sunnnary Worksheet ForleE to complete its review of yourfaciHty, thf;lf~n(jwing informatio,rimust?~completed pdor to the scheduled review dates. The informati~t:tonthis form shouIgcontaindata tor t6epast twelve months inthe boxes provided. The information on this form is used in co~junction \\lith the ICE Detention Standards in assessing your Detention Operations against the needs of the ICE and its detained popul~fioiL ThisJorm should· J:,(} filled out by the facility prior to the stalt of any inspection. Failure to complete this section will result in a delay itiprocessil}gthis report and the possible reduction or removal of ICE' detainees at your facility. 0 Assault Detainee on 9 15 P-2 P-4 2 Staff 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 o o 22 o 33 13 o II o o o I-I o o o Anyattetnptedpnyskal contact,or physicarco~tact !hat involves two or more offenders Oral,anal or vagillalpenetratioll pr attempted penetration involving at least 2 parties, whether it is consenting or non-consenting Routine transportation of detainces/offel14ers is not considered "forced" . •• .. •. ;• Any incJd.enl that iIivolvesJollror m(jte detaineesJoffenders, includes gang fights, organize·dlllultiplehunger strikes, workstoppagcs, hostage situations, majorfire~; ot other large scale incidents: . . . . . . ..•. •... • . . .. •... ... ".FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL Y (LA W ENFORCEMENT S.~NSITIVE) Form G-~24)\ SIS (~ev. 7/9(07) Detention Facility Inspection Form Department Of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement Facilities Used Over 72 hours Report ,. 8. 9. 10. U. 12. 13. 14. ] 5. 16. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Admission and Release Classification System Correspondence and Other Mail Detainee Handbook Food Service Funds and Personal Property Detainee Grievam!eProcedures Issuance ami Exchange of Clothing, Bedding, and Towels Marriage RequestS Non.,.Medlcal Emergency Escorted Trip Recreation Religious Practices V Detention Files Disciplinary Policy Emergency Plans Environmental Health and Safety Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities Key ami Lock Control Population COllnts PostOrders Security In.spedions Speciall\'bnagenu,~pt Units·· (~dminjstrati~eSegregation) ·IManagcptcnt Units (i)isciplinary Segregation) Iltr91 Tra ~ (Land maQa~emerit) 36.~!eo ~ 37. 38. .....•. .. stafrID~taine!.'l Coonn:unicatlon (Added August 20(3) Detai~~r~1,ln$fer (Added September 20(4) All findin~.s (Defi~ient and t\t:-Rlsk)reqllire written comment describing the finding and what is ne~e1isa.l'yto m~et c()mplian~e.;· FOR OFFICI1\LUSEONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) . . . .. ...... F()ffit.(hj~4ASIS(Rev. 7/9,107) DetentiQnFacility fnspection Fonn Department Of Homeland Security Facilities Use.d<Over72 hours Immigration and CIIst9msEnforcement ruc Review Assurance Statement . .. , By signingbelo»"the Reviewer~In~Charge (rue) <:ertifies that all findings of noncompliance with policy orinadeguate controls contained in thelnspection Reportar~ sU~PQrted by evidence that.issufficientan~feUable.Furfuennore, flI1dings of noteworthy accomplislunents aresupported by sqfficient and reliable~vidence .• Within the scope ofthereview, the facility is operating in accordance with applicable law and policy. and property and resources are efficiently used and adequately safeguarded, except for the deficiencies notedirt the report. Reviewer-In-Charge: (Print N arne) b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c Title & Duty Location R1 Creative Corrections, Beaumont Texas Print Narne, Title, & Duty Location nnt Name, Title, SME Securit ,Creative Corrections Print Name, Titte, & DutY Location b6,b7c b6,b7c , SME Medical Services, Creative SME Safe. Creative Corrections b6,b7c Print Name,· Title, &, Duty Location , SME Food Service, Creative Corrections b6,b7c CQrrections Recommended Rating: o Superior ~Good o Acceptable o Deficient OAt-Risk Comments; On August 20,2008 at 1442 hours, William Albert Salem, CC#91701079, collapsed while playing basketb~!11 on the recreation yard. Salem was 56 years old (DOB 7-10-52) and he was pronol1llceddeadat the area hospitll,l of Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy at .• 1530. GEOKame~County around idetaiIle~. C9rrec:tional Facility does utilize dogs to search ve!licles entering the fa,c:Hity8founds. The dogs ar,ell()t used . . The facility does not·use Tasers to control disruptive detain~es. The facility is clean and well managed. Annual training iIlcllldes a review of the ICE DetentionStanctards for.a"ILstaff. Staffwas knowledgeable and thorough when completing taskS and assignmeQts. ·EOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LA W:ENI;0RCEMENT SENStTIVB) . .. . ~~ Fot\PJG2324A$JS (R~v. 7tWO,7)