News Articles
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Cca Ice Exec Approval Form Stewart County Ga June 2006

Document text
Facility Management Agreement Executive Approval Form (Form must be filled out completelv) This fOI'm should be the cov.r pAge: fOI' .11 new contr.cts .nd torw.rded to the BOSG Aclministr.tive Auistllnt (wjth cgntACt) for distribution fiotA Pleue check .ppropri.tte box: D Proposal [8] Final Contract D Contract Modffication/Amendment Description of Agreement / RFP / Amendment submitted for approval: Agreement Between CCA and Stewart County, GA and Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) between Stewart County, Georgia and ICE Per Diem (If bered, please specify) : _S..54z:w ,2..S'-_ _ _ _ _ __ Contract Base Year(s): CCAIStewart County Agreement : ?I1/06-12/31fU: IGSA Effective Uoon Final Execytion i'ol{f" Contract Option Year(s): CCA/ Stewart County Agreement; Additional_Year Periods Uoon Mutual Written Agreements Between the Parties: IGSA - NIA Date Submitted to Executive Board: 6119106 By his/her sign.&tu,.. below, the Customet' ReMitions ~n.&ger represents th&t he or she .... submithd the AgreenMnt I RFP I Amendment to the 8o&rd with supporting ftnancia;ls.s requiNd by Facility Support Center Policy 1-2. Kim Porter Senior Director, Customer Relations Reviewed and Approved by: Vice President, Business Development ttS-Z·· - Executive Management Signatures of Approval ak Chief ¥utive Officer ~~,/J Chief Financ"al Offic r Chief ;zm r ffL Chief ~ General Counsel