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This site contains over 2,000 news articles, legal briefs and publications related to for-profit companies that provide correctional services. Most of the content under the "Articles" tab below is from our Prison Legal News site. PLN, a monthly print publication, has been reporting on criminal justice-related issues, including prison privatization, since 1990. If you are seeking pleadings or court rulings in lawsuits and other legal proceedings involving private prison companies, search under the "Legal Briefs" tab. For reports, audits and other publications related to the private prison industry, search using the "Publications" tab.

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Moore Medical and Prison Industry Leaders Sign Agreements

Moore Medical Corporation, a leading supplier of medical, surgical, and pharmaceutical products, recently signed multi-year agreements with three major corrections industry organizations on September 5, 2001. Moore will provide internet, telesales, and catalog procurement services to the 65 facilities managed by Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), to the readers of Correctional News , and to visitors to the Corrections Connection website at

There are more than two million prisoners held in over 7,000 facilities in the U.S. including prisons, jails, and detention centers. Moore already serves 2,000 of these facilities with a line of health care products, including hundreds of special items designed for prisoner-patients and for secure clinical settings.

CCA, the nation's largest private prison company, has about 61,000 prison beds under contract. "In addition to streamlining our ordering process, this arrangement [with Moore] represents another step in our company's ongoing efforts to manage medical costs while ensuring quality services," said Michael Dray, CCA's managing director of corporate health services.

Danielle Klaussen, associate publisher for Correctional News , noted, "We know our readers are keenly interested in health care issues and medical care efficiency. Our relationship with Moore Medical brings a practical, cost-effective management system for medical supplies a step closer."

The Corrections Connection , an online resource for business, news, and information in corrections, boasts that its website is home to the American Correctional Association. "Visitors to our site know we are dedicated to providing outstanding services. Moore Medical is a quality-driven supplier for the corrections industry and fills a critical health care role," said Laura Noonan, president. The new agreements are effective immediately, said Linda Autore, president and CEO of Moore Medical.

Source: Business Wire